Hello All:
I received a blog award from June over at mycreative-corner I was really excited to see that someone gave me an award for my blog. I don't do all that fancy way out stamping because I like just plain Jane easy going projects. I do come out of my box from time to time though.
The comment that June left on her blog about my blog is that it is fresh and fun.
Thanks again June for giving me the award.
Just because you feel that your projects are plain jane, doesn't mean that they aren't fancy. Sometimes simple is best!
I love your simple and easy projects! It helps people like myself who tend to stay inside their box.
Congratulations on your award :-) You do a much better job than me updating your blog. Back to reading everyone elses so i can then work on updating mine. I'll be back! Have a great week.
Hi Tai
Congrats on your award!!!! Sorry if I wasnt able to comment on your blog last week!!! I love the simplicity of your projects. They always look so elegant!!!
I have seen you in action and your end results are simply wonderful. You create with so much god given talent and you put your heart and soul into each design whether it is for an order of 2 or 222.
Keep up the passionate work and I'll be looking for Hallmark, Geary's, Neimus Marcus and OPRAH to feature your works this year.
That is one of my prayers for you!
We appreciate you and your talents.
Your Nieces,
Aa~ron, Justiss, Gemiah and MOM
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